Pilot fieldwork at FAL

Today I had the opportunity to be accompanied by my mentors Regina H. F. Macedo and Miguel Marini in a quick visit to the Fazenda Água Limpa (FAL), and my potential study site.

The gallery forest along the Capetinga river at FAL.

Miguel, Regina and me at FAL

Miguel studied the Helmeted Manakin during his masters 30 years ago in the gallery forests of FAL, when the first studies on the natural history and breeding biology of the Helmeted Manakin were conducted [1,2,3]. At that time, Miguel could only monitor two nests and eight banded adults [2,3], so there are several hypothesis related to the species' breeding biology and mating system, which still lack more robust evidences.

[1] Marini, M. Â. 1992. Foraging behavior and diet of the Helmeted Manakin. The Condor 94(1): 151-158.

[2] Marini, M. Â. 1992. Notes on the breeding and reproductive biology of the Helmeted Manakin. Wilson Bulletin 104: 168-173.

[3] Marini, M. Â. & Cavalcanti, R. B. Mating system of the Helmeted Manakin (Antilophia galeata) in Central Brazil. The Auk 109(4): 911-913.

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