My name is Lia, I am a Biologist with a PhD in Ecology. I am driven by two passions: nature and being with nature. Birds have been the main focus of my research in the last 12 years and have been part of my life as a hobby as well - birdwatching took me to discover incredible places and people, and keeps me connected with nature.

SILVA-JR, E.; KAJIKI, L. N.; DINIZ, P.; KANEGAE, M.(2021). Longevity records for some passerines of Central Brazil. Ornithology Research 29: 1-5. [link]
KAJIKI, L. N.; MONTAÑO-CENTELLAS, F.; MANGINI, G.; COLORADO, G. J.; FANJUL, E.(2018). Ecology of mixed-species flocks of birds accross gradients in the Neotropics. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 26(2): 82-89. [PDF]
DORNAS, T.; AGNE, C. E.; KAJIKI, L. N.; D'ACOSTA, N; BORGES, K. (2017). Expansão da distribuição geográfica de Aegolius harrisii na região Central do Brasil: registros inéditos para estados de Goiás e Tocantins. Atualidades Ornitológicas 196: 18-22. [PDF]
KAJIKI, L. N.; CARVALHO, J. A. . Bare-throated Bellbird Procnias nudicollis in Serra do Japi, southeast Brazil. Cotinga 39: 102-103 [PDF]
KAJIKI, L. N.; TOGURA, C. M.; MICHALSKI, F. 2013. First record of Tigrisoma fasciatum (Such, 1825) (Aves: Ardeidae) in the State of Amapá, Brazil and updated species distribution in Central and South America. Biota Neotropica 13(4): 385-390. [PDF]
KAJIKI, L. N.; MACEDO, R. H. F. 2018. Preliminary data on the breeding biology of the Helmeted Manakin (Antilophia galeata): nesting site preferences. In: 27th International Ornithological Congress - Book of Abstracts (Poster presentation / Congress).
KAJIKI, L. N.; CORRÊA, L.; SIQUEIRA, P. R.; CARVALHO, B. G. 2017. Not so stable: variation in mexed-species flocks of birds in a lowland Amazonian forest. In: Ornithological Congress of the Americas - Book of Abstracts. Puerto Iguazú: Aves Argentinas / Association of Field Ornithologists / Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia (Mixed-species Flocks of Birds: Ecology and Evolution Symposium/Congress).
KAJIKI, L. N.; MEDEIROS, F. A.; PRADO, C. P. B. 2015. The implications of a new record for understanding a species' historical distribution in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: finding Anhima cornuta. In: X Neotropical Ornithological Congress & XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia, Manaus (Citizen Science Symposium/Congress).
KAJIKI, L. N.; LEES, A. C.; MICHALSKI, F. 2014. O papel do clima no controle da biodiversidade de aves tropicais. In: XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia, 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Livro de resumos do XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia. RJ: Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, p. 141-141 (Oral presentation/Congresso).
KAJIKI, L. N.; LEES, A. C.; MICHALSKI, F. 2013. Efeitos da heterogeneidade do habitat em comunidades florestais de aves neotropicais: um estudo com meta-análise. (Oral presentation/Congress).
KAJIKI, L. N.; TOGURA, C. M.; OLIVEIRA, I. A. P.; MICHALSKI, F. 2013. Influence of giant otter latrines on avifaunal occurrence along amazonian rivers. In: III International Congress on Biodiversity of the Guiana Shield, 2013, Paramaribo. Abstract Book of the III International Congress on Biodiversity of the Guiana Shield. Paramaribo: The Anton de Kom University of Suriname. v. 1. p. 63-63. [PDF]
OLIVEIRA, I. A. P.; TOGURA, C. M.; KAJIKI, L. N.; CONCEIÇÃO, P. C. F.; AMADOR, J. A.; MICHALSKI, F. 2013. Seasonal variation in giant otter detections along waterways in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. In: III International Congress on Biodiversity of the Guiana Shield, 2013, Paramaribo. Abstract Book of the III International Congress on Biodiversity of the Guiana Shield. Paramaribo: The Anton de Kom University of Suriname. v. 1. p. 91-91. [PDF]
Since the early ages, I had a singular curiosity on birds. Not a conscious one: somehow, I wanted to understand their language.
A kid develops many other interests, so I have adventured myself through many paths. However, I always kept an eye on networks and natural history, especially of birds.
Today, I am an environmental consultant and PhD candidate at the University of Brasilia (BRA), under the supervision of Dr. Regina Macedo at the dynamic Lab of Animal Behavior. I am excited to dive in the incredible universe of animal behavior, and investigate the mechanisms driving the evolution of species.
I am also very interested in social networks, and the evolution of sociality; natural and anthropogenic processes driving diversity and biogeographic patterns. I am an admirer of A. R. Wallace's studies, and I am fascinated about culture - an enthusiastic violinist and cinephile.

Past and ongoing projects, training and professional adventures